Welcome to our website! This page is dedicated to the ERC KnowStudents Project and the newly established Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge both based at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Sounds tedious? Not necessarily!
Besides the purely informative character of this website, where you can find out about the Project, Centre, and Institute, you can learn more about each member of our incredible team (and contact them if you wish) and their remarkable research that we will keep you updated with. In the forthcoming months and years we plan to not only thoroughly study the history of human knowledge production but also share our findings via many national and international events, publications, and book series hoping for the contribution not only from worldwide specialists but also students – as we do know very well how crucial their presence in the transcultural knowledge exchange is.
Enjoy our work, follow us on Facebook and do not hesitate to… exchange your ideas with us!