Open job offer for a Research Assistant

August 3, 2023

The Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge announces recruitment for a Research Assistant in Early Modern European intellectual history, within our KnowStudents project.

An applicant should:
– hold a Master degree in history, history of philosophy, intellectual history, or another relevant field,
– have extensive experience working with early modern archival and codicological materials, including the history of science,
– be knowledgeable about Renaissance philosophy and/or literature and research methods on Renaissance history and/or intellectual literature,
– be fluent in English and Ukrainian, able to read/translate from Latin.

Details regarding the application and job offer can be found on the EURAXESS platform and the website of our Institute.

The deadline for the call is September 1, 2023.
The interviews will be conducted on September 11, as a teleconference, and the final results will be announced on September 27.

The Research Assistant will be hired on a full-time position (an employment in the form of a civil law contract is also possible, as well as a hybrid form of work), for the period of two years, starting on October 1, 2023.

For informal enquiries, please contact the project’s PI, Professor Valentina Lepri (