The Ph.D. Programme 2021

May 17, 2021

The Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge announces recruitment for doctoral positions in Early Modern European intellectual history for the next academic year 2021/2022.

Based at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and within the Graduate School for Social Research, we offer the opportunity to carry out graduate studies leading to a PhD degree in philosophy for 5 candidates:
– 3 students applying within the ERC project no. 864542, if accepted, will work and receive funding in connection with the aftermentioned project (read more about the project),
– 2 students applying to the doctoral school in the general competition for positions in a relevant area of early modern European intellectual history will receive regular scholarship and, in addition, will be supported in the application process for an NCN Preludium grant.
The main educational objective of the doctoral studies is the history of knowledge with a special emphasis on the various forms of knowledge creation and organization in the Renaissance period. Within this research area successful applicants will work on, i.a., history of philosophy, history of ideas, history of science, history of theology, history of law, and many more (see the attached Call for PhD 2021).

The doctoral program will run for 4 years, starting on November 1, 2021.
Within this 4-year period, students are obliged to take specific courses and lectures, participate in seminars, and eventually prepare the doctoral thesis as listed in the Study Programme prepared by HRK Centre as well as the general rules of the GSSR (here you can find a PhD handbook for academic year 2020/2021).

The deadline for the call is August 3, 2021 for all applicants.
Applicants should hold a master degree, or its equivalent, in a related area. Students who have not been awarded a master degree, or its equivalent, yet, may be conditionally accepted to the programme. Other recruitment requirements for applicants are provided on the GSSR website and in the given attachment. Please note the distinct recruitment processes for students applying to the doctoral school in the general competition and within the ERC project no. 864542.

We look forward to reading your application!